The Champagne Diet

The Champagne Diet Eat, Drink and Celebrate Your way to A Healthy MIND and BODY Author Cara Alwill Leyba This week’s book of the week is The Champagne Diet by Cara Alwill Leyba. And what better way to toast with champagne and spent time with loved ones while discussing the book. We have picked out […]
Why aren’t you losing weight?

There are many reasons why you aren’t losing weight. We will discuss some of the factors that make it impossible for you to lose weight. As well as some recommendations from our nutritionist on a detoxification and getting the summer body you want just in time for vacation. So get comfortable because we are […]

Sufferers know better than anyone the distress “angry” skin brings. There’s no one cause, it can be a sign that something is wrong at a deeper level. The skin produces too much sebum (natural oils secreted by the sebaceous glands), causing congestion and subsequent infection. The pores become filled with the excess sebum, […]

Navigating the maze of suncare information out there can be daunting, with conflicting information about the best way to protect your skin from harmful – and aging – UV rays and unwanted pigmentation. One thing most people agree on is that excess sun exposure can harm and prematurely age your skin, and can cause cancers, […]
STRESS – Busting Tips

Breathe Deeply We often forget this simple act, but increasing oxygen helps us to think more clearly. Focusing on the “in” and “out” breath will clarify thoughts and calm the mind. Make sure to breathe in from the bottom of your stomach before letting your breath out again. Sleep It Off Aim for 8 […]

Water is essential – integral to the function of every organ. Getting enough should be the first step in treating your skin from within; there is literally no way for the skin to glow without proper hydration. When you don’t take in enough water, your blood draws water from the skin cells, leading to […]
Eat Your Water

I look forward to the summer – longer days and more time outdoors. The sun changes your mood, putting a smile on everyone’s face. During the summer months it’s important to consume more water. It’s not just about drinking: I believe that we can “eat our water” with a diet fresh fruit and vegetables. I […]

Collagen is what keeps the face dull and youthful, but we stop producing it after the age of 25. As we grow older, the connective tissue starts to loosen and the elasticity reduces, causing the face to droop. There’s no miracle cream that will reverse the signs of aging; you can only try to slow […]
Spring Cleaning

There’s always a sense of optimism when the signs of spring emerge- it’s like nature’s reward after the hardships of a long winter. Days lengthen, there’s more sunlight and I feel more positive. Spring is the season of creativity and new beginnings and skin should be full of new life too; the complexion needs a […]