“Breakfast Like a King, Lunch like a Prince And Dinner Like a Pauper”
No Raw After Four Chew, Chew, Chew
Working on the principle that raw You need to chew your food to
foods are harder for the body to break stimulate the enzymes that start
down, it’s best to give them time to be breaking down food. If you don’t
digested. Only eat raw before 4pm, chew enough- at least 40 times –
when your metabolism is fired up you don’t stimulate them sufficiently.
and the stomach is better equipped The harder it is to break down, the
to digest foods. Some say that raw more digestive juices it will need,
food prepared properly (soaked, etc) is which is more work to do for the body.
fine in the evening, but I stick with salads
for lunch and cooked food for dinner.
Pure and True Eat Your Water
If an ingredient is changed fundamentally, It’s important to stay hydrated. So
avoid it. Steer clear of processed foods, drink up your water, and eat it too:
which lose their nutritional value when foods with a high water content are as
heat processed or contain chemical additives. effective. Drink up, eat up and
restore your glow!
Don’t Drink Your Calories
Fruit juices may be pure but they are also
high in natural sugars. Bootled smoothies
are even worse: they are packed with sugar
and low in nutrients, so high in empty calories.
Fat Ain’t Bad Listen to Your Body
Good fats don’t make you fat – sugar does. Your body is a miracle of nature – listen
For too long we’ve been told that fat is bad to it. All too often the warning signs are
and “low-fat” alternatives are better when ignored, so that a problem becomes chronic.
in fact they’re often stuffed with aging and If you have indigestion after eating a
fattening hidden sugars. Look at labels – be particular food, then avoid it for a while –
sure to avoid sugar-laden foods and don’t even keep a food diary to help you
be scared of good fats. spot a pattern.
Hands Off! Tech-Free Diet
I don’t want to get all germophobic on you, It’s not good to have electronic devices
but please remember to stop touching your on all the time especially just before bed.
face mindlessly. Hands can be filthy things, The bluish light they emit will
transferring dirt and acne causing bacteria from disturb your sleep.
place to place. Clean hands will help keep your
skin clear and congestion-free.
Eat Less and Exercise More Live and Let Live
Losing a bit of weight is great and feels like a The most important rule is to
real achievement, but it is easy to fall into old concentrate on you and do
bad habits. The key to losing weight and keeping what feels right for your body.
it off is simple: eat less, go to bed early and exercise.
*All rights reserved to Wendy Rowe Eat Beautiful*